
Madgearu conference room
7th December 2023

About Us

About Us

Organized by the Association of Automobile Manufacturers and Importers together with PwC and Pirelli, as main partners, BCR, OMV Petrom, Hidroelectrica and E.ON as secondary partners, Spark and Eldrive as standard partners, the Sustainable Mobility Forum promotes green technologies, reducing carbon emissions and improving the quality of life in cities from the perspective of private companies but also of the public sector, also taking into consideration European Union initiatives such as "Green Deal" and "Fit for 55".

What sets us apart is
our holistic approach.
We understand that sustainable mobility is not just an automotive industry issue; it is an intersectoral effort. Thus, we gather top executives of companies in the broad field of mobility alongside representatives of the Commission and the European Parliament, the Government of Romania and the Ministries relevant to mobility, in order to shape together a sustainable and innovative future of mobility in Romania.
Through the Sustainable Mobility Forum
we will develop communication bridges
between the private and public sectors, thus creating a platform for dialogue and communication, focused on finding sustainable and innovative solutions. We will deal together with the decarbonization of internal combustion engines up to the electrification trend of mobility and the impact on other business sectors in Romania, up to the infrastructure of charging stations for electric vehicles.

Forum Guests

Public Sector

Adina Valean

European Commissioner
for Transport

European Commission
for Transport

Marian Neacșu

Deputy Prime Minister

The Government of Romania

Gheorghe Falcă

Member of the European Parliament,
Transport and Turism Commision

European Parliament

Florin Marian Spataru

Prime Minister

The Government of Romania

Adrian Ioan Vestea


Ministry of Development and Administration

Bogdan Balanișcu

State Secretary

Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests

Andrei Trocan

City Manager

District 4 City Hall

Private sector

Daniel Anghel

Tax, Legal and People Services Leader

PwC Romania

Florian Huettl


Opel Automotive GmbH

Ingo Scholten



Nicolas Leitienne

Director Marketing

Dacia România

Nick Rogers

Business and Technology Consultant

NED and Executive Advisor

Silviu Laurentiu Tiron

E-mobility Specialist


Radu Caprau

Member of the Executive Board

OMV Petrom

Alina Stoenescu

Department Manager Business Development

OMV Petrom

Ioana Voiculescu

Șef Departament Sustenabilitate


Robbie Blok

Project Leader

Netherlands National Charging Infrastructure Knowledge Platform (NKL)



08:30 - 09:30

Registration & Welcome Coffee

09:30 - 09:40

Official Opening by APIA: Romania's Path to Sustainable Mobility by 2035

Dan Vardie, President of APIA

09:40 - 09:55

European vision on transport and mobility
Transport as a key enabler of the EU competitivity

Adina Vălean, EU Commission for Transport

09:55 - 10:10

Interministerial and Sectoral Collaboration in the Development and Integration of Policies for Sustainable Mobility

Marian Neacșu, Deputy Prime Minister, Government of Romania

10:10 - 10:25

The Trans-European Transport Network "TEN-T" and the Trans-European Energy Infrastructure "TEN-E"
Indispensable tools for the growth of the internal market and the fulfillment of environmental and sustainable development objectives

Gheorghe Falca, Member of the European Parliament Member of the Committee on Transport and Tourism

10:25 - 11:15

Panel 1

Moderated by Mr. Călin Popescu Tăriceanu

Promoting and Managing Sustainable Urban Mobility at the National Level
Sustainable mobility as a tool for achieving better social and territorial cohesion

Adrian Ioan Vestea – Ministrul Dezvoltării, Lucrărilor Publice și Administrației

Promotion of Electric Vehicles and Renewable Energies
Creating an attractive framework for private investments in green infrastructure. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) as an opportunity for both the public and private sectors.

Bogdan Balaniscu – Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Waters and Forests

The importance of Local Administrations in the development of Sustainable Mobility
The City Hall of sector 4 as an example of good practice

Andrei Trocan, City Manager, City Hall of sector 4

Expanding and Optimizing the Charging Station Network on Highways and National Roads
The need for electrification of parking spaces and openness to inclusive partnerships with the private sector.
Supporting transporters through the development of charging hubs on highways

Cristian Pistol – Director of CNAIR

11:15 - 11:25


11:25 - 11:40

Coffee Break & Networking

11:40 - 11:55

PwC Study on the State of Romania's Automotive Market - Present and Perspectives for 2030

Daniel Anghel – Tax, Legal and People Services Leader, PwC

11:55 - 12:10

The Perspective of Sustainability as an Option for the Whole Society;
How Sustainable Mobility Integrates into this Global Perspective

Nick Rogers - NED and Executive Advisor

12:10 - 13:10

Panel 2

Moderated by Mr. Dan Vardie, President of APIA

International Cooperation and Exchange of Best Practices
The Netherlands' success strategy in developing and standardizing the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles;

Robbie Blok, Project Leader NKL

Sustainability Criteria in Investment Decisions and Romania's Energy Transition

Radu Caprau - Membru al Consiliului Director, OMV Petrom

Challenges and Opportunities in the electrification of heavy commercial vehicles

Claudia Iordache, Managing Director & CEO, MHS Truck & Bus Group

Electromobility and Decarbonization in Transport and Logistics

Catalin Enache, Electromobility Key Account, Volvo Trucks

Policies and Financing for Sustainable Mobility

Ioana Voinescu, Sef Departament Sustenabilitate BCR

The Importance of Charging Station Networks and What Needs to be Done for Infrastructure Development;

Silviu Laurentiu Tiron – E-mobility Specialist, E.ON

13:00 - 13:10


13:10 - 13:40

Buffet Lunch Chef’s Choice

13:40 - 14:30

Panel 3

Moderated by Mr. Dan Vardie, Presedint of APIA

Romania as a Producer of Mobility but also as a Market;
Decarbonization of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) at Dacia

Nicolas Leitienne - Marketing Director, Dacia Romania

The Evolution of Mobility: The Impact of Alternative Fuels on Our Roads

Alina Stoenescu, Department Manager Business Development, OMV Petrom

Sustainability and Profitability: The new equation for auto dealers

Silviu Preoteasa, Managing Shareholder, Midocar

Trends and Technologies in the Electromobility Industry

Florian Huettl – CEO Opel Automotive GmbH

Electromobility & ICE decarbonisation; how these two crucial phenomena will coexist in future

Ingo Scholten - VP & CTO, Geely

14:30 - 14:40


14:40 - 14:50

APIA: The association of mobility in Romania and its role in shaping a sustainable future for mobility

Dan Cutui, Member of the Executive Board, APIA

14:50 - 15:00


Dan Vardie, Chairman of APIA



Main Partners

Secundary Partners

Standard Partners

Media Partners



Actively involved in the dialogue with the authorities, association members and other key players in the area of mobility, APIA managed to keep up to date with the ever-evolving dynamics of the automotive industry, becoming the "Mobility" organization for the industry in Romania starting with the year 2022.

Currently, APIA is dedicated to sustainable mobility through innovative initiatives and strategic partnerships with members representing the entire mobility ecosystem.

For more details you can call

0752 310 807